Welding & Repairs

B.I.F™ repair all types of Industrial fencing and gates, including Palisade, Mesh, Railings, Steel Gates, and other miscilleneous steel structures in need of welding, parts replacement, damaged components, what-have-you.

Damaged sections of fencing, replacement of damaged fence rails or panels, welding, concreting, gate repair & modification, fence repairs, and fence or gate relocation / gate or fence moving.

PPC Palisade Fence Repair

Smashed in by a lorry, this looks to be badly damaged fencing.However, it was a straight forward fence repair for Bolton Industrial Fencing.

Disassemble damaged fence, break out damaged fence posts. Then for the fence repair, replace and concrete damaged fence posts, replace damaged fence rails and pales; salvaging any fence components that were not damaged keeping costs down for the customer.

Twin Wire Mesh Fence Repair

Kids cut out a section of mesh fence, so that they could play even when the gates are locked. They even stole the damaged mesh section.

Cut back the uneven hole to expose a straighter, easier, and neater place to weld to. Supply and trim to size a matched section of twin wire mesh fencing. Weld damaged mesh fence section into the aperture. Clean welds and paint welding areas with RAL 6005 green rustproofing paint.


School Steel Railings Repair

Very badly damaged due to vehicle impact, this section of vertical bar steel railings needed to be replaced.

Disassemble damaged railing fence section, break out damaged railing fence post. Replace and concrete new fence post into the ground. Replace damaged section of steel railings, and secure using anti-vandal nut-bolt fixing sets.

Galvanized Steel Fence Repair

Damaged over time by trucks in this busy warehouse yard, this galvanized steel palisade fence needed repair.

Cut out damaged sections of steel palisade fencing. Carefully cut out and remove damaged steel fence RSJ posts. Supply and fit new steel fence posts. Strip steel fence rails and replace with new fence components.


Damaged Steel Gate Post Repair

Steel gate post damaged by vehicle; and repaired by Bolton Industrial Fencing™.

Replace the damaged metal gate post? More cost effective and with equal strength; cut, re-align, strong welding repair.

Steel Palisade Fence Replace Pales

Steel palisade vertical fence upright pales, damaged and removed by intruders to gain access into an industrial facility on the Bury / Bolton border.

Remove damaged steel fence uprights, and replace with new matched vertical steel palisade fence pales.


Section of Palisade Repair

Full section of metal palisade fence damaged by a stolen vehicle impact. This customer wanted an emergency industrial fence repair.

Disassemble and remove damaged steel fence rails with steel fence pales still attached. Cut up steel fence section for scrap. Remove and replace damaged steel palisade fence post. Replace horizontal fence rails and vertical steel fencing pales with new components.

Wall Mount Steel Fence Repair

A challenging job for anyone in the fence repair business. A damaged steel palisade fence attached to a wall high up to give roof security at a sensitive facility. Fence mount had become detached from the old brick building, rendering this heavy unwieldy high-up fence a dangerous liability. Definitely an emergency industrial steel fence repair.

Rather complicated to explain the repair method. Suffice to say, we fixed it.


Repair of Mesh Ball Court Fencing & Gates

The mesh football pitch fence above was mangled by an out-of-control stolen car. This, as you can see, caused considerable damage. The football club thought they would at least have to pay for replacement gates, replacement fence posts, and numerous replacement twin-wire fence panels. However, we gave them the option of immediate repairs, using the existing damaged fencing and gates; and at less than 20% of the unnecessary alternative cost.
All the above repairs were made using inovative fence and gate repair techniques, and welding skills developed over 25 years of working in the fence and gate arena. The existing damaged fencing was straightened, welded, and re-used. Costs for the customer were kept minimal.